I know “More than You Know”

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Jae Jun

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Michael Mauboussin is not a household name in the investment world, but he is one hellava thinker, writer and teacher.

Mauboussin is Chief Investment Strategist at Legg Mason so he isn’t just a good talker/writer. He applies what he knows into real investment strategies for his company.

Eurosharelab has an extensive resource page on Mauboussin filled with his essays and research papers which you should definitely bookmark. This page alone will take days to read, or… you could read his book “More than you know”.

“More than you Know” Book Review

Mauboussin’s book, More Than You Know: Finding Financial Wisdom in Unconventional Places, is a collection of his academic papers and essays ranging from behavioral finance, decision making and stress to ants and slime.

Doesn’t make sense right? Well Mauboussin is a firm believer that you have to think broadly and borrow ideas from multiple disciplines, much like Charlie Munger’s thinking models.

The book has been around for some time, been translated into multiple languages and will hit your brain from all angles as you try to process the information with both your right and left brain.

It’s not the easiest book to read because there are ideas and concepts that you need to digest to fully appreciate the lessons. But, it is worth it. I’m going to have to read through it again because you won’t get everyone in one go.

If you are interested in investment philosophy, psychology of investing, innovation and competitive strategy, and science and complexity theory, then do take time to read this book. Unlike many of the books I’ve reviewed where it taught you how to analyze and value stocks, this one helps to broaden your perspective in investing and ultimately forces you to reflect on your own behavior, and decision making.

Take a look at the references made at the end of the book, that alone will show you how much research Mauboussin performs in writing his papers.

Best thing is, you get 30 of his papers in this book where the research has all been done for you.


Yes I have read this book.

Get the book from Amazon now.




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